Thursday, April 9, 2009

i been finkin'

two fer!
a side
1. Remix central! Will be running "peg me with ur love" by pizazz! through the ol' DAW for a nightmarishly sick re-imagining. We'll see what comes out! You'll probably have to take an afternoon off work to get your junk checked afterwards.
2. Dance mix! I'm getting intimate with my collection of dance bangers. Expect to see flyers for Werewolf Mask of the Sex Tourists hither and thither around ATX. 
b side
1. Labia Flavia! Cousins Forever is in the studio workin' on "Arabian Nights," the kind of second, kind of first, kind of third Cousins Forever song.
2. EP stands for Excellent Production! Werewolf Mask haunted shoegaze disco EP "Ghost Dancer" is in the mastering phase. Scope the myspace for teaser tracks!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

first post ever

I'm gonna post a little something about whatever is going on every day or so. I promise that if it takes a long time to get through a post, the payoff will be adequate. Otherwise I'm taking cues from the Thoreau playbook.

A friend of mine made an argument that music videos often cheapened the experience of music. After giving that some though, I agreed. 

Here's a Metronomy video.